
August 5, 2020

LSU Athletics Launches New Sports Mobile App Backed by Insights

Available ahead of the new school year, the school announced an all-new official app for LSU Athletics, giving Tiger fans direct access to their favorite college in the SEC.
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March 13, 2020

This Time, the Game Can't Go On

For sports fans, game day is more than an event. The players aren’t just a team; from the mascots and the bands to the coaches and athletes, game day is part of fans’ identities. They bring...
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October 4, 2019

Startup Hustle Podcast Talks FanThreeSixty and Fan Experience

Data is the most valuable currency of the experience economy we live in today. It’s the foundation for any successful personalization strategy in sports, helping teams capture the right fan...
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May 22, 2019

UVA Mobile Light Show Delights Thousands of Fans

Today, fans expect more entertainment than what’s happening on the court or on the field. University of Virginia worked with FanThreeSixty to light up game day, giving Hoos fans an...
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March 25, 2019

The Next Generation Billboard: It’s All About the Immersive Sponsorship Experience

Recently, our partners from OUTFRONT Sports came to Kansas City for the second annual Winter Summit: Experience Delivered. While it may have been more appropriate to call it an ‘Arctic...
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March 5, 2019

Data is the New Currency of Sports

When most people hear the term sports analytics, they typically think player performance. But for companies like us, we actually mean using fan data to ultimately help teams sell more beer,...
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