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Associate Spotlight - Nic Kline, Tech Lead

Written by Jess Westendorf | December 16, 2019

Meet Nicolas Kline, FanThreeSixty's Lead Software Architect:

"Nic is not only one of the more technically advanced members within our organization but he is also one of the most kind, humble and thoughtful coworkers I've ever been around. If I could chose anyone to work with for the remainder of my career, their first name would be 'Nicolas' and the last name would be 'Kline.'"

After 6 years with FanThreeSixty, Nic continues to impact FanThreeSixty as a Lead Software Architect but also as a coworker, friend, and leader. 


What is your favorite project you’ve worked on at FanThreeSixty?

A long time ago I built an engine that would pull together many attributes of a fan in order to make a fan searchable and segmentable across data sources. Today that engine still powers FanThreeSixty Audiences and our insights capabilities.  




What is on your wishlist in the next 5 to 10 years with FanThreeSixty?

I'm still on the same mission to better connect people when sharing an event-based experience. But now we're getting the teams involved as well, to maximize what that connected experience can really be. In the next 5-10 years I'd like to regularly see fans engaging with each other because of the ideas we're developing here at FanThreeSixty.



If you could switch jobs with anyone for a day within FanThreeSixty, whose job would you want?

It would be one of our data scientists. I really enjoy looking at the data to figure out what people are doing within our system so we can make it better for them.



What three words would you use to describe FanThreeSixty?




Favorite Quote...

“If you don't take the time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?” - Michael J. Fox




What have you gained from working at FanThreeSixty?

I've gained an appreciation for the challenges we face. The sports industry is pretty fun, and at first glance may seem simple. But it can be pretty difficult to add something new to an industry that's so mature. It's tough to change both how teams and how fans experience it.




What are your hopes for the future of our industry?

The industry is bumping into this wall, where it puts at odds the ideas of protecting the data about an individual, and personalizing experiences for that individual. My hope is that as an industry, everyone can all get good at doing both. Improving the fan's ability to connect with others at an event, without compromising on the fan's ownership of their own data.